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About the University of North Alabama’s (UNA) Repository of Open Access Research (RoOAR) 

RoOAR is the home of the collected scholarship and creative works of UNA faculty, staff, and students. These open collections, organized and made accessible by Collier Library and Information Servicesdemonstrate UNA's commitment to the idea that shared information and academic collaboration are essential to the "progress of knowledge" in our global community. 

RoOAR Goals: 

  • Diversify scholarly research dissemination through inclusive and equitable practices; 

  • Provide a consistent, long-term home for work created at UNA through the digital preservation of the University’s scholarly output and creative works; 

  • Further teaching and learning opportunities by facilitating the publication of open educational resources (OERs); 

  • Increase awareness of the University’s scholarly and creative activities and those of its partners. 


What can be deposited in RoOAR? 

Any type of file can be made accessible through RoOAR: documents, audio files, video files, data sets, presentation slides, research posters, archival material, software code, etc. 


How do people outside of UNA find work that is in RoOAR? 

RoOAR is indexed by Google and Google Scholar as well as other major search enginesthis means that people outside of UNA can discover works in RoOAR even if they are not affiliated with our university.


Proposing New Collections 

All faculty, staff, administrators, students, academic units, and administrative offices are welcome to propose new collections. If you would like to suggest a new collection, contact your liaison librarian or RoOAR administrator